Yummy Foods That Promote Positive Oral Health

Did you know that there are foods that can help promote positive oral health? Well, it’s true! There are many foods and drinks that are an excellent and healthy option that can help protect your teeth and keep your oral health in excellent condition. With a healthy diet, both your... Read more »

Peak Oral Health Levels: Know the Risks of Contamination

In regard to your oral health care, it is always important to make sure you are taking the necessary steps to always take care of your mouth as much as possible. The more you do to keep your smile clean, the less at risk your smile will be. This includes... Read more »

Your Tooth Stains Can Be Improved with Dental Veneers

The development of dental flaws on your teeth is never ideal, and issues such as deep tooth stains may not be treatable with simple tooth whitening. Instead, many patients turn to porcelain dental veneers to reduce tooth stains and achieve beautiful smiles that last for years. The thin shells of... Read more »

Enjoy Valentine’s Day Treats and Protect Your Teeth

If you love to buy on-sale chocolate and candy after Valentine’s Day, we encourage you to take certain steps to protect your teeth. The following dental care tips can help you enjoy post-Valentine’s Day treats and preserve your oral health: - Know the risk of candy: Some candies can affect... Read more »

Effective Flossing for a Healthy Smile

Flossing is a highly effective dental care habit to perform before or after brushing your teeth. Taking time every day to floss around your teeth and remove trapped food particles is very important when it comes to cleaning areas of your smile that your toothbrush can’t thoroughly clean. We invite... Read more »

Welcome to Our New Blog!

Here at Discover Family Dental, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and... Read more »